From Particle Wiki
Revision as of 12:00, 1 August 2017 by Hbrooks (Talk | contribs) (Removed category: parton shower generator (MadGraph may be interfaced to a parton shower, but does not itself generate a parton shower))
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO is an event generator.
This event generator can do multiple type of computation
- LO cross-section computation and event generation (tree level and loop induced processes)
- NLO fix order computation
- NLO+PS computation (via the MC@NLO method)
Those type of computation are available for the SM and for a large class of model via the UFO format.
The package also include a lot of additional feature
- matrix-element provider (tree level and one loop)
- MadSpin (decay of massive particle in the NWA limit)
- Systematics a code for computation of theoretical uncertainties via re-weighting
- Re-weighting a code to reuse a sample of events (LO OR NLO) and change the weight of each event to predict the shape of a new BSM/SM benchmark
External package can also be interfaced to MadGraph5_aMC@NLO (you can use the "install" command to install those)
- maddm : tools for DM computation (relic density, direct detection,...)
- pythia8 : allow to automatically shower your sample as soon as they are generated
- madanalysis5: analysis and recasting tool
- Delphes: Detector simulation (fast sim)
- ExRootAnalysis: convert your LHE file to root
- NINJA/COLLIER: Additional package to speed up loop computation